Marketing and BD at the Bar – Update

Marketing and BD at the Bar – Update

We’ve seen no slowdown in demand from our Chambers clients for talented individuals with the ability to lead and manage the development and evolution of their marketing and business development offerings. But there have been some significant changes over the past 18...
The Changing Face of The Bar

The Changing Face of The Bar

In what has become a rapidly changing and even more competitive time for the Bar, there have been some subtle but significant changes in the way that barristers’ chambers are prepared to adapt in the search for new streams of work and develop new business. Many...
Lateral hires for the Bar

Lateral hires for the Bar

As the Bar continues to position itself in the ever-increasing search for new business and work streams; so, the lateral movement of barristers between chambers has seen a marked increase. Of course, moving from one set to another is not without its problems, not...
The rise in BD and Marketing roles

The rise in BD and Marketing roles

It’s apparent to anyone working closely with the Bar that there’s been a major spike in both the number and seniority of recent BD and Marketing roles – with Sets now having designated and growing BD and Marketing Teams. There seem to be several key factors at...