Criminal barristers vote to end strike over pay

Criminal barristers vote to end strike over pay

Criminal barristers in England and Wales have voted to end their long-running strike action after the government offered a new pay deal. A total of 57% of barristers voted in a ballot to accept a 15% pay rise, the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) said. The decision...
Living Wage Increase Announced

Living Wage Increase Announced

At a time where the nation is facing record levels of economic uncertainty, the recent news from The Living Wage Foundation must be counted as a positive. Summary of The Living Wage change The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate that is voluntarily paid by over...
All change… as you were previously.

All change… as you were previously.

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on the 8th September, many things we’ve taken for granted over her 70 year and 214 day reign are suddenly different. For one, we now have a King. In most industries this might mean a new patron heading up a charitable...
Six simple steps to an impactful CV

Six simple steps to an impactful CV

In a candidate driven market, YOU need to stand out from other, similarly excellent candidates, but how? Our expert consultants continuously sift through many thousands of CV’s for our roles, often receiving many hundreds of applications. Whether you are applying...
The Interviewee: Do’s and Don’ts

The Interviewee: Do’s and Don’ts

You’ve done the difficult part and secured an interview with a Company you’d really like to work for, but how to stand out and hopefully nail it? GRL’s Consultants advise and interview thousands of people each year and were asked to provide some tips and absolute...