One of the biggest myths that clients have about coaching is that it is only used by organisations when their employees are failing in their delivery of high-quality performance. This could not be further from the truth and in our blog, we look at what coaching is and how it can support you and your Chambers.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a partnership of equals whose aim is to achieve speedy, increased and sustainable effectiveness through focused learning in every aspect of a client’s life. Those people wanting coaching are individuals who have thought positively about their role both now and in the future and are seeking support in its enhancement.
In undertaking coaching, the client and the coach are equal partners. The client sets the agenda and is resourceful i.e. they are the ones who know the issues they are facing and in partnership with the coach they quantify and articulate the issues that they need to address.
How can a coach help?
The coach’s role is to develop the client’s resourcefulness through skillful questioning, challenge, and support. They are there to provide effective feedback and assessment and acts as a sounding board for the client and highlights new and potential possibilities.
How do you know when coaching has been successful?
The success of coaching can be measured in two ways:
- External performance, this will manifest in increased income/revenue; achievement of work goals; feedback from directors/managers, colleagues and clients.
- Internal success, changes in self-awareness; shifts in thinking to create more effective actions; increased levels of confidence.
How have we helped Chambers with coaching?
In terms of our own achievements we have worked with a senior manager in a set of barristers’ chambers to help him develop his business and marketing skills. We worked with him and helped him to identify business goals and objectives. He discussed these with his director and had them accepted and implemented.
We have also coached individual partners and solicitors of a magic law firm improving expertise in business development and client management relations. This was done on a one to one basis. The process clarified clients needs, set business objectives. It also improved individuals outlook on work, enhanced their leadership skills and unlocked potential.
Lastly, we have successfully worked with a newly appointed senior clerk to develop his management skills and help him to grow his own team. We helped him to create a positive working environment for the team and improve communications. We also helped him to identify the potential within the team and develop a plan for their future development.
If you are interested in coaching for your own self-development and to support the growth of your Chambers then please get in touch.
David Rees
Director of Professional Development.