Legal practices continue to participate in the research process with a sense of expectation that the merits gained from this exercise will boost their market franchise and add value to essential business processes such as client recognition and recruitment of talent. And evidence points to a genuine correlation in this regard.

Directory submissions however, can be a minefield: a time-consuming task to those lacking the dedicated resource, where the impact on rankings is often viewed with cynicism or at least, as something of a mystery.

At GRL Legal we have the definitive expertise to demystify the process and maximise the impact of your practice submissions and participation in the research interviews.

Here are our five essential top tips for legal directories submissions:

1) Referees

Aim for referees for the highest quality work that are best placed to give comparative rather than unilateral feedback about their legal counsel. Always check that they are happy to participate in the research process – imperative if the list includes busy senior lawyers.

2) Case highlights

Aim for succinct, punchy narrative, highlighting key aspects to illustrate quality of work or skill involved. Avoid unnecessary technical jargon wherever possible! Include details of all parties involved wherever possible. This is now a stipulation in the Legal 500 proforma.

3) Feedback on last year’s rankings

Aim to support a balanced argument with factual criteria for assertions about your own rankings. Include comparative comment as against your competitors’ rankings.

4) Overviews and summaries

Watch out for inconsistencies with your own organisation’s website – don’t mix your messages!

5) Deadlines

Risk losing out on crucial market feedback if you miss these! The client research for Chambers & Partners commences from the first deadline date. This may cover any practice sector regardless of the research schedule for individual practice sectors